DFO publications

From: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

To view all reports published in a specific series click the links below. The reports, published in English and/or French, will be retrieved from the Federal Science Libraries Network (FSLN) catalogue and displayed in the Summon discovery tool with the most recent reports appearing at the top of the list.

DFO scientific report series

Canadian contractor reports of hydrography and ocean sciences (1982-)

Canadian data reports of fisheries and aquatic sciences (1979-)

Previously known as:

Canadian data reports of hydrography and ocean sciences (1982-)

Canadian industry reports of fisheries and aquatic sciences (1979-)

Previously known as:

Canadian manuscript reports of fisheries and aquatic sciences (1980-)

Previously known as:

Canadian technical reports of fisheries and aquatic sciences (1980-)

Previously known as:

Canadian technical reports of hydrography and ocean sciences (1982-)

Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) report series

Proceedings (1996-)

Previously known as:

Research documents (1997-)

Previously known as:

Science advisory reports (2005-)

Previously known as:

Science responses (2006-)

CSAS publications home page

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